Current : Vacant
17.Vincent Von Grace 31/08/13 - Vacant
16. Edward Harley 4/7/13 - 31/08/13
15. Rixor Buster 7/6/13 - 4/7/13
14. Rich Pegasis Jr. 30/4/13 - 7/6/13
13. Joseph Hilton 28/3/13 - 30/4/13
12. Bill Alfenolf 27/1/13 - 28/3/13
11. Vincent Von Grace 5/12/12 - 27/1/13
10. Kakashi Mishima 28/10/12 - 5/12/12
9. Vacant
8. Mizaki 31/7/12 - Unkow
7. Chris Lindsey 26/2/12 - 31/7/12
6. Mr.Mac 13/8/11 - 26/2/12
5. The Ghost 6/8/11 - 13/8/11
4. Rave 6/8/11 - 6/8/11
3. Mr.Mac 31/7/11 - 6/8/11
2. The Ghost 30/6/11 - 31/7/11
1. Vacant