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 BWO Xtreme Star Champion

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Dashing Poom
Prince Of Darkness
Prince Of Darkness
Dashing Poom

จำนวนข้อความ : 2544
Join date : 05/12/2010
Age : 28

BWO Xtreme Star Champion Empty
ตั้งหัวข้อเรื่อง: BWO Xtreme Star Champion   BWO Xtreme Star Champion EmptyMon Feb 07, 2011 9:34 pm

BWO Xtreme Star Champion 79965612

Current : Mike Sanderson

23.Mike Sanderson (12/07/2015) - Current
22.Faith (30/11/2014) - Mike Sanderson (12/07/2015)
21.Pacific Kid - Faith (30/11/2014)
20.Ultimate God - Pacific Kid
19.Black Rose - Ultimate God
18.Bill Alfenolf (27/04/14) - Black Rose
17.Vacant 18/02/14 - Bill Alfenolf (27/04/14)
16.Vacant 18/02/14 - Present
15.Matthew Roll 14/01/14 - Vacant 18/02/14 (Release)
14.Black Label 12/10/13 - Matthew Roll 14/01/14
13.Vacent 05/08/13 - Black Label 12/10/13
12. Matthew Roll 31/7/13 - Vacent 05/08/13 (Release)
11. Gabriel Guster 7/7/13 - 31/7/13
10. Rave 30/4/13 - 7/7/13
9. Vincent Von Grace 22/2/13 - 30/4/13
8. Johnny Maxigar - 28/10/12 - 22/2/13
7. Shawn Cheatman - 20/5/12 - 28/10/12
6. Vacant 5/5/12 - 20/5/12
5. Jasper Valentine 29/4/12 - 5/5/12
4. Chris Deity 4/2/12 - 29/4/12
3. Mike Sanderson 30/6/11 - 4/2/12
2. Chris Keima 24/4/11 - 30/6/11
1. Title Vacant - 24/4/11
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BWO Xtreme Star Champion
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